Monday, June 28, 2010

Tattoo Designs - Symbols of Strength

While you can choose a tattoo design that literally means "strength", as in Kanji, the important thing is to have a design that gives you strength. You can choose from a number of designs as long as the one you choose has a special meaning and significance to you. It may remind you of someone close to you or someone who supported you in troubled times. Maybe someone who was there for you when you were young and from whom you gained strength.

Animal Tattoo Designs

A number of cultures used animal images to give them strength. The animals in their worlds they most admired would be a source of strength, endurance, and courage. By tattooing the animal images on their bodies they hoped to become more like them. Thus the image of a bear or lion or wolf would help the tattoo owners to become more courageous or stronger.
This might apply to you - the person who gives you strength could be represented by an image of a powerful animal, one renowned for its strength and courage.

Tribal Tattoo Designs

Tribal tattoos can evoke images in the mind of tribal battles for leadership, fighting for survival or dominance, hunting wild animals, braving the elements. They can take us back to primitive man when life itself was a gamble and only the strong survived. Whether the tattoos were done as part of a rite of passage, or to denote a position in the tribe or as an animal totem, they were all done crudely which inflicted pain. Just having the tattoo said the wearer was a person of courage because of the pain endured. Indeed, some tattoos were done simply to test a person's ability to endure pain - a test of courage.

Angel or Wing Tattoo Designs

People in the West are a familiar with Guardian Angels and as special messengers from God. Angels are also part of Jewish and Islamic faiths as well as a number of other religions and cultures going back to ancient times. They are usually represented as creatures with wings. An angel tattoo can remind us of strength as we are protected or inspired by these spiritual creatures. Wing tattoos can also act in the same way. Wings can give us a sense of protection, a sense of freedom - as in flight. How many oppressed people or prisoners or those who have lost freedom have dreamed of flying to freedom. Songs have been written about it.

Maybe there is someone in your life you see as your guardian angel, someone who inspires you, lifts you up. Perhaps it is an event - something you saw or did that makes your spirit take flight. A tattoo design of an angel or a set of wings could bring this to mind, to give you strength.

Cross Tattoos Designs

The cross is an enduring symbol of faith, hope and love. It can be used to remind you to have faith when things turn against you. It can be used to sustain you through tough times. It can be used to remember loved ones and to connect to them in spirit to give you strength.

There are other tattoo designs that can give you strength: the crown, a symbol of authority and leadership; the dragon, with its strength and magical powers; texts that are inspirational in themselves or favorite quotes of someone you love or admire. The tattoo design you choose to give you strength may be on public display but the feelings it evokes in you are uniquely yours. This is one tattoo that should be done just for you.

William Burnell has a long standing interest in tattooing - its art, design and history. You can choose from a vast number of designs to make uniquely yours, to give you strength and inspiration at:

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Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs and Their Meanings

You see cherry blossom tattoos on many women these days as these such designs have grown in popularity among tattoo aficionados and first timers alike. This rush for distinct tattoos of cherry blossoms has given rise to a great interest in the meaning and symbolism of the cherry blossom in both the Chinese and Japanese cultures.

Since tattoos are very personal things, they can say a lot about a person so getting the right tattoo for the right reason is important. Since cherry blossoms mean different things in Chinese and Japanese society you should be aware that peoples of those backgrounds might react quite differently when they see it.

Cherry Blossoms In China

The Chinese see the cherry blossom as a symbol of power, particularly of the dominance of the feminine persona. This could mean a blossom tattoo is ideal for you if you are a strong willed woman who values her liberty and freedom or if you have recently come out of a difficult relationship.

It also stands for love if you are coming from the herbal lore approach.

Cherry Blossoms In Japan

In Japanese culture there is often a link between the blossoming of cherry tress and the Buddhist concept of "mono no aware" which refers to the reverence for life, the transience of being and the sadness at the passing of things. This is because cherry blossoms only appear on tress for short times before they fall to the ground.

This association with mortality is highly symbolic in Japan and has been used in traditional art there for many centuries along with more recent manga or anime. This link may however make a tattoo of cherry blossoms unsuitable for some. Alternatively, it may give you renewed appreciation for the fragility of life and help you make the most of your brief time on this Earth, while bringing you a different perspective on the hard times you may face; knowing that they will not last forever.

Getting A True Reflection Of Cherry Blossom In Your Tattoo

While it is true that there are many different varieties of cherry blossom, many people do not appreciate just how different looking they can be. In fact, the most common cherry tree in Japan is Somei Yoshino which has largely white blossom with only the faintest hint of pink on the petals.

Other popular choices do have very much more pink in their blossom and it is these that you will more commonly see as tattoos. But still, this is something you will have to think about when getting your tattoo. You should do some research, find pictures of tattoos other people have had and decide which you prefer. It might depend on your skin tone; those with pale skin will definitely want a more pink design whereas tanned or olive skinned people should think about paler pink or white flowers in their designs.

You should also think about how much of the branch to integrate into the overall tattoo design. Realism would dictate that you have a fair bit of branch with flowers clumped together along it but it will probably come down to both personal taste and where you intend the tattoo to be.

Getting Your Tattoo Done

If you have decided upon a tattoo incorporating cherry blossoms you should be very selective over whom you get to apply the design to your skin. Japanese art is very intricate as is the cherry tree itself so you need somebody who has experience in this type of tattoo. Make sure you talk over with them exactly what you want and don't be afraid to ask for amendments to their initial drawings so that the finished article is something you are happy to live with for the rest of your life.

So there you have it, I hope this overview of the meaning and symbolism of the cherry tree blossom has been useful in making up your mind about that tattoo you've been after.

Steve Waller has been a tattoo fan for years. Check out this brand new way to find cherry blossom tattoo designs online that you can print off and take along to any tattoo artist in your area.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Star girls Tattoos Designs - Here Are the Top Star girls Tattoo Ideas That Drive People Wild

Looking for sexy tattoo ideas? Here are the top ideas for sexy tattoos today. These will be for both men and women. People seem to have different ideas on what are the best sexy tattoos. For some people it is the design, for other people it is where the body art is located. What we will show you here are the top ideas today for both men and women sexy tattoos.

The most controversial tattoo today and considered by most as the sexiest for women is the lower back tattoo. This has often been called a tramp stamp and some people feel this type of body art is trashy. But most people recognize that because of the way the back of a women curves this makes a very sensual and sexy place for the art work to be done.

Popular designs for lower back tattoos include: tribal art work, flowers, butterflies and just about anything attractive found in nature.

For men one of the sexiest places for tattoos is the armband tattoo. This type of body art seems to enhance a pumped up bicep. It is important that a man keep fit and strong for this to work. If the arm becomes flabby it will enhance a flabby bicep and that is not very sexy.

Popular art work for armband art include: tribal designs, Celtic art, vines and barbed wire.

For both men and women, tattoos that are hidden are generally considered very sexy. A tattoo that is only revealed to another person in an intimate situation can be very sexy. Locations for body art like this are often placed on the breasts, groin, lower abdomen and even genitals. Tattoos in these regions are often small and discrete.

Women will often wear tattoos like these with designs of hearts, cupid, trailing stars, or devilish characters. Men seem to favor designs, even in these hidden areas, that are more of the tribal art representing their strong and tough nature.

No matter where you decide to have your tattoo done on your body or what the design it is important you wear it with attitude. Especially if it is hidden, when that tattoo is revealed to that special person, having a sexy and confident attitude will also make the tattoo even sexier.

The important thing to remember is that the tattoo will be permanent. It is for that reason many tattoo artists do not recommend having a tattoo done with your significant

Lower Back Tattoos

There are many different tattoo designs out there, but for women the lower back is by far the main choice. There are good reasons for this, first you can hide it, second they can be shown off rather easily, and third they can and often times are, very sexy. Now let me just say that there are many sexy tats out there that are not on a lower back. I saw one just the other day. A lady had a tat over the whole left side of her upper body, and it was very well done. But, we are here to talk about sexy lower back tattoos. There are so many designs that I could never tell you about all of them and I'm not even going to try. Instead I will tell you some of the things my friends and I see and our reaction to them. My goal is to help you find the right tattoo, and maybe give you a man's eye view.

Let me tell you a story that really happened. Me and a couple of buddies of mine went to the Bass Pro Shop and we were looking at some shotguns and talking about next hunting season. A lady came up and asked a friend of mine if he knew were to find a shoulder pad for a rifle and he pointed to the lower rack right behind us. She said thanks and went a few feet down the isle and kneeled down to look. When she did, you could see a tiny bit of her tattoo. Now no one said a single thing they just looked. So this lady went from being just someone my friend helped to someone of interest. Now please understand we did not chase the lady around. No I swear! But, we did take notice. Now this lady was not ugly and she was not beautiful, she was simply a lady until then. So later we got to talking and she popped into the conversion. We were talking about her tat and a friend said that if they had messed up that tat it could have taken her from eye catching to eye releasing. Dumb man fishing joke I know, but the point is the same.

If you are looking for a sexy tat for your lower back maybe these few tips can help. Please understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is no set design. To most men, classy is sexy. So on the lower back what catches the most attention is thin lines. Something like a small tribal tat across the panty line. Most of the women I know that have these kind of tats keep them between 4 to 6 inches long. That seems to be the better looking ones. They also keep the height about 1 to1 1/2 inches tall that fade out to the sides. I have also seen tats that follow the curve of the upper butt cheeks and this too is very sexy.

The best thing to do is spend some time looking. When you find a tat ask yourself if it looks elegant or not. If you answer no you will probably be disappointed, but if the answer is yes you will have a sexy tattoo. A word of advice: Pick a good artist. Sounds like common sense right, but you would be surprised at how many people over look this. They should have a portfolio for you to look through. If they don't, or you don't like what you see, then you need to leave and go somewhere else. Please let me know what you think of this article at my website. I will try to answer any question you have.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Proper Care of a New Tattoo

Once finished, you are certainly going to want to know how to take proper care of your new tattoo. From this point on, your artist is not responsible for any infection or problems you may have with your tattoo if you don't take proper care of it. It is very important that you follow these guidelines. A really beautiful tattoo can turn into a disaster if the proper aftercare is not taken.

Before you walked out of the tattoo salon your artist will have covered up your tattoo with a bandage and for a very good reason. The purpose is to keep the air borne bacteria from invading your wound. Yes, as pretty as your new tattoo is, it is still a wound. Open flesh is a breeding ground for bacteria and infection. It is imperative that the bandage not be removed for at least two hours. Resist the urge to peel the bandage away to flaunt your new tat.

After you remove the bandage, you will want to wash your tattoo. Use lukewarm water and mild, liquid antibacterial soap to gently wash away any ointment, blood to completely clean the area. Do not use a washcloth or anything abrasive. Your hand is your best tool in this case. Follow these instructions carefully so you can be certain that you are taking proper care of your new tattoo.

Then pat (do not rub) the area firmly with a clean towel or paper towel to get it completely dry. Follow with a very light application of your choice of ointment. A&D vitamin enriched ointment would be my first choice, but if you don't have any, Bacitracin or a similar antibacterial ointment is acceptable.

Do not use Neosporin. This is a wonderful product for cuts and scrapes, but not in trying to give proper care for new tattoos. Some can have an allergic reaction to the Neosporin, which causes little red bumps. When the bumps go away, so does the ink.

After you have used the ointments for about 3-5 days then continue to keep the tattoo clean but at this point it is acceptable to use a mild lotion rather than ointment. The purpose is just to keep the skin soft. To ensure proper care of your new tattoo make sure any lotions that you apply are dye and fragrance free. Eucerin lotion seems to work the best for most people.

You can shower with a new tattoo. It's OK to get your tattoo wet, just try not to soak it. If you get soap or shampoo on your tattoo, just remove it quickly with water. Swimming, whether it is a pool, fresh water or salt water should be avoided for at least 2 weeks.

After a few days, you will notice some peeling and possibly a little scabbing. Excessive scabbing could indicate a poorly done tat. Apply warm moist compresses to the scabs for about 5 minutes 2-3 times a day to soften them and they will eventually come off on their own. Taking proper care of your new tattoo means that you will have to endure a bit of discomfort so when your tat starts to heal it will itch but NEVER pick it or scratch it. Rather just slap it softly; this means the tattoo is almost healed.

By Mike Wamoult

Tribal American Indian Tattoo - Tips on Getting Your New Tattoo

Are you thinking about getting a new tribal American Indian tattoo? Read on to find out what you need to know before you get your new ink.

The design you choose will be very important, especially because it will permanently be inked on your body. Before actually going to the tattoo artist to get this done you need to spend some time searching for the perfect image. Make sure that you don't just say "eh this one is good enough". Once you see the right design you will know; there won't be any hesitation. If this happens you will absolutely love your new tattoo and will have a big grin on your face as you show it off to your friends.

This may seem like it will take a lot of time and effort, but in actuality it won't. You can take an easy method and look at images on Google, but chances are it will not be original. Most times, someone else would have already chosen one of those images that you have found.

If you really want a nice original tattoo, limit yourself to strictly tattoo websites that have a large database of unique designs. Most of these websites will only offer these designs to their members only, and yes there is a fee to be a member. However, the fee is small and it will be well worth the money. These websites can also even give reviews of different tattoo parlors, so making your decision of where to get inked will be made easier.

If you decide to take the time to do research on this topic, you will not regret the tattoo that you end up with. It will be exactly what you want and you will be happy with it.

Good luck on your new tribal American Indian tattoo!

Find more information about tribal American Indian tattoos at the Tribal Tattoos Gallery!

By Dean Olmstead

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dragon Tattoo Designs - What You Must Know About Dragon Tattoo Designs

Dragon Tattoo Designs are by far one of the most popular designs people want to be "inked" with. It is usually sought after because dragons are associated with power, courage, and strength; of a free and fearless existence. After all, tattoos serve as a reflection of one's being and what better way to tell the world who you are by showing your desired traits via skin art.

It serves as an indication of a person's personality or a projection of what he or she wants to be like. It may even suggest a person's desires such as protection and security. By appropriating these meanings into their physical being, it encourages them to inculcate such attributes or manifest personal necessities into their being. The symbolism alone of the design can affect one's psychology and offer him comfort, ease, and peace of mind.

European and Asian dragons are the most commonly utilized dragon tattoo designs. They both originate from rich folklore and mythology, making symbolism all the more worthwhile. European dragons are those frequently illustrated in medieval tales whether as a castle guard or as a formidable sentry of wondrous treasures. Western interpretations describe it as a fire-breathing, bloodthirsty, and ferocious creature that malevolently breeds horror and fear.

Asian dragons on the other hand are a balance between good and evil. It is a being of power, mystery, benevolence, intelligence, wisdom, guardianship, supernatural powers, and of good will. It is both a fearsome and gentle creature. Asian dragon tattoo designs are more frequently used over European designs due to the versatility of meanings or simply because it appears to be more exotic with its highly stylized illustrations.

There's a wide variety of Chinese dragons and each comes attached with specific characteristics. The Horned dragon is believed to be the mightiest. Celestial dragons watch over the heavens and protect God; Earth dragons rule the world as Spiritual dragons control wind and rain. Treasure dragons, as their name suggests, are keepers of precious metals and gems. The Yellow dragon is hornless and is characterized by great scholarly knowledge. Coiling dragons live in the ocean while winged dragons are the only ones with wings.

As for Japanese dragon tattoo designs, you also have a broad array to choose from. Sui-Riu is a dragon king who is most especially powerful in times of drought since he controls both wind and rain. Han-Riu is one of the largest dragons spanning a length of forty feet with several stripes along its body. Ri-Riu is a rare breed with little known about it except for the fact that it has amazing eyesight. Ka-Riu is brilliantly red and petite in size while Fuku-Riu is a crowd favorite as it brings luck. Hai-Ryo evolved from Chinese mythology and is probably the most advanced dragon form (being a dragon bird).

Looking into dragons as your prospective tattoo design should be considered at great depths. A lot of thorough research must be done unless you'd want to end up with outdated or mistranslated meanings. Dragon tattoo designs not only give you freedom of expression and symbolism but of a greater appreciation for mythology too.

Click the links below to get your free Tattoo tips and guide

If you want more information on Dragon Tattoo Designs, a Free 4 Day Ecourse and a Free Ebook on Tattoos, then go Now to

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Lady and the Tramp Stamp - Lower Back Tattoos

The world of tattoo art and design has its own language and terminology just as any business does. One of the more contemporary terms in the business is the 'tramp stamp. ' What are tramp stamps? Well, they have nothing at all to do with the US Mail or a design on a postage stamp or even the children's classic Disney flick 'Lady and the Tramp'.

A tramp stamp is a phrase that was coined (source unknown) to describe a tattoo that is inked on the lower back of a woman or girl. The lower back has become a popular location for women to get inked and combined with the trend of low-rise jeans has caused a stampede to the tattoo studios. It has become fashionable for girls to show off their midriffs with belly rings and piercings and their lower backs with body art tattoos.

The term tramp stamp has a derogatory connotation and should not be considered relevant when deciding to get body art. Getting a tattoo is a personal decision that has nothing to do with such a label. Another popular trend for women is to get sexy foot and ankle tattoos. There has not been any negative labeling or backlash for these locations or even the more sexually explicit areas of breasts and genitalia, although these are less common locations for tattoos - they nonetheless do invoke a more sexual connotation - and yet the lower back has received more attention.

There are many, many lower back tattoo designs to choose from. Japanese Kanji tattoo designs have become very popular in Western civilization. The beautiful flowing script is perfect for feminine tattoos. When using Kanji on the lower back many opt for the symbols to be written horizontally. There are also many masculine tribal and warrior symbols as well. Calligraphy styles can be adjusted for male and female designs. Kangi is one of three alphabets used in Japan where the fancy symbols represent ideas rather than single words. With over 1,000 symbols, and some requiring over 30 strokes of the pen, there is a large chance of error, as there is also a certain order in which the strokes should be done. Tattoos using these symbols should only be done by professional tattoo artists that can translate and understand the language thoroughly in order to avoid permanently inking the wrong interpretation.

There are design studios and galleries online and offline that offer infinite designs and artwork. Finding the perfect one for you is the hardest part of getting inked. So what are you waiting for? Go tatt yourself!

To search a wide variety of tattoo designs please visit:

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fresh Tattoo Art - Locating Galleries With Good, New Tattoos and Designs

There was a time period when locating fresh tattoo art was one of the easiest things to do. This is not the case any longer, though. All most people bump into are bottom of the barrel galleries that have nothing but the same generic images and artwork that have been floating around cyber space for eleven years. There are still tons of fantastic galleries that have fresh tattoo art, but you need to know how to pin point them.

Why are so many of us having such an issue trying to find galleries that have quality tattoos? It shouldn't be such a difficult thing to do. Well, this is true, but there is a reason that finding fresh tattoo art has become nearly impossible. It's because of the way 90-95% of men and women looking for these websites. Yes, I am talking about the good old search engines. The tool that were once extremely reliable at providing us a good list of galleries is no somewhere close to worthless. Al lit give you is this enormous list of low end websites and each of them tends to be filled with the same generic artwork as the next website.

Most of the newer places don't take pride in providing their visitors with quality designs. Instead of giving them fresh tattoo art, they would rather fill their site up with as much generic stuff as possible. It's quantity rather than quality. This means that all of the truly good galleries are being pushed way back in the search engine results, never to be found. Since the average person will only look through two or three pages of search results, these place sit there all alone.

So, how do you even find them now that search engines aren't doing the job? Well, if you want websites that have fresh tattoo art, forums are the best starting point. The more well established forums work the best, because they are usually very large. You want large forums because the tend to be stuffed with past topics on subject related to tattoos. One look at some of these topics and you will see that people are always willing to help. Men and women are constantly sharing links and information on the great galleries they have uncovered that have fresh tattoo art. You simply reap the benefits of their generosity. It's that simple.

It's an easy transition and it can make all of the difference in the world when it comes to finally finding the fresh tattoo art the web has to offer.

Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to find the tons of Fresh Tattoo Art.

Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the site Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites with the absolute largest gallery of tattoo designs you will ever see. Finding quality tattoos has never been easier.

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tattoo Ideas For Girls

Tattoos have grown in popularity over the past 10 years. The idea that tattoos are rebellious, shocking or reflect a girls moral character have dissolved. The popularity of tattoos has increased and so has their acceptance. This is due largely to an increase in celebrities happily sporting them. It is estimated that thirty six percent of those ages 18 to 25 have at least one tattoo and forty percent of people ages 26 to 40 have at least one tattoo. With that being said it is still true that more men than women have tattoos.

Tattoos for girls are typically more feminine in nature. They are generally smaller and more delicate with thinner lines and are usually isolated to one or two parts of the body. Almost like accessories or accent pieces. The most popular spot for girls to get tattoos are the lower back, left shoulder, ankle, upper breast or bikini area. The lower back is a popular spot because it is not always shown but can be flashed. The shoulder is also a sought after spot. The left shoulder is traditionally known as the feminine shoulder and a tattoo there can be a great accent when wearing tank tops or halter tops. Ankle tattoos are cute and many girls are now getting tattoos on the top of the foot or small delicate ones on their toes. They are a great accent when wearing sandals or flip-flops. Like the lower back tattoo, tattoos on the upper breast or bikini area can be hidden.

Some tattoo ideas for girls that are feminine and have a long history include: sun, flower, angel wings, fairy, star, butterfly, Celtic and Zodiac symbols, dolphin, rose, and heart. Although traditional, these tattoo ideas are always unique by meaning to the person wearing them, and most tattoo artists are happy to create a one-of-a-kind design.

More great tattoo ideas for girls can be found at : Tattoo Ideas

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Lower Back Tattoo Designs - How to Pick a Great Design

Lower back tattoo designs can be long and thin or rounded for the small of the back. Tattoos have been a part of the culture of civilized man since thousands of years. Back in those days however, it was not exactly common to see girls walking around the beach scantily clad with lower back designs poking out from their swimwear or jean shorts.

Usually people had either small pinpoint markings on their bodies signifying events, or decorative full body ink instead of simple low back tattoo designs. But in modern times, we have a certain social shame associated with conspicuous tattoos, so small lower back tattoo designs are a popular choice for most people looking for something inconspicuous that still adds some individuality and flare to their appearance.

Where to Find Lower Back Tattoo Designs

It is easy to see hundreds of examples of lower back designs by simply walking into a tattoo parlor and perusing the available sample materials that many of the shops have. Designs can be of anything from popular flower, butterfly or star arrangements to pictures of religious symbolism or faces of people.

Chinese characters are a popular form of back designs since they are compact, simple in terms of color or shading and can have a distinct meaning about the person that not everyone can clearly read at first glance. Looking through volumes of past designs can be helpful in formulating your own ideas, deciding what you want to get and also what you would like to avoid.

Online Lower Back Designs

If you are just beginning your tattoo search and are not sure what you would like, a good place to start is by checking out an online tattoo finder. Most will have a wide selection of your back tattoo designs in multiple categories and may even let you print a stencil for an artist. for 1'000's & 1'000's Of New & Hot Tattoo Designs on the Web!

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Guardian Angel Tattoos - Finding the Right Meaningful Design For You

Guardian angel tattoos are very meaningful. However, everybody views them a bit differently. You must choose one that really means something to you, rather than pick one out just because you like the way it looks. All too often somebody will choose a random, low quality tattoo. After they get it inked onto their skin, they are either disappointed with the way it turned out or find that many other people have the same exact tattoo. This is because the internet is flooded with the same ole' tattoo designs.

So, how can you find quality designs of guardian angel tattoos? Well, obviously, you should take your time in choosing. Never, ever make any impulse decision in regards to something that will be on you forever. You don't want to be one of the many people who settle on the first decent tattoo they come across, only to regret doing so for the rest of their lives. They look back and wish that they had been more patient with their decision. The same thing will happen to you if you don't take your time to find a high quality design.

One thing you need to do is make sure that the guardian angel tattoos you consider are truly drawn to be made into tattoos. The sad thing is that so many of the galleries you will find through a search engine will have nothing but generic artwork. Nothing you will find was actually drawn by a tattoo artist to be made into body art. A special type of drawing needs to be done in order for the designs to come out looking great and clean once inked in on your body.

Many people will end up picking out random designs. They go in and get them inked, and don't realize that the result is not going to come out looking as amazing as they were hoping. The guardian angel tattoos that they thought look great on their computer screens and papers don't look so great on them. Whenever you choose a design, you should ask a talented tattoo artist if it should be altered in any way before it is made into body art.

Here is a helpful tip that can help you find a lot of wonderful angel tattoo art that you have undoubtedly missed out on:

Spend some time browsing through internet forums. You will be amazed over the number of great links you will find at forums, most of which don't show up in Google results. All you have to do is use a forum's search function and type in "guardian angel tattoos" or something similar. You will then be able to locate all of the topics that have information, links, and images to quality designs. People post everything they find to share with others, therefore eliminating a lot of hard work that you would otherwise have to do yourself! Just check out the dates on the threads you look over to ensure that the angel designs you find links to are relatively new.

Terry Daniels of, specializes in helping individuals get the styles and designs they need to make the right tattoo choices. Terry leads his team of tattoo experts in constantly reviewing new products and packages in the market to make sure you get the best value tattoo designs that look good on you. Check out actual user reviews of tattoo design sites and galleries at

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lower Back Tattoo Designs - Tips For Finding the Most Unique

Those who wear lower back tattoo designs do so for the benefit of others. The only way to see your design is to look in a mirror. They are the up and coming fashion statement of a new generation, but they have actually been around for a long time.

In other cultural areas of the world stemming back many generations, tattoos are used for ritualistic and custom purposes, often to proclaim a rite of passage or social standing among tribes. My how they have evolved over the years!

In our modern times, and really not unlike our predecessors, lower back tattoo designs are often used to attract the opposite sex, and they obviously work. There is a certain mystique and sensual appeal in having a tattoo placed in this region of your human canvas.

On the female form, placing a tattoo in this area will accentuate certain areas of the body; namely the hips and glut area, and at the same time can visually minimize a waist line. The back is one area that rarely changes as we age, and so is the perfect spot for body art. Women of all ages are wearing lower back tattoo designs.

An offensive term used for this placement is tramp stamp, as the only way to view this form of tattoo is to expose the lower region of the backside, to the delight of you partner or simple pride in your adornment.

One advantage to having a tattoo in this area is it can be well hidden if you work in an industry that prohibits body art. How will they know if you don't show? Some famous celebrities show off their lower back tattoos every chance they get.

Nicky Hilton advertises her family business in gothic form, with the word Hilton, Sarah Michelle Gellar is proud of her pair of purple dragonflies, Pam Anderson has her beloved tribal design and Julie Roberts opted for a butterfly on her bottom.

Whichever design you are thinking of, one piece of advise is offered, and that is to take your time and make sure that this design is one you are willing to live with forever. What message are you trying to convey? What do you associate yourself with on a deep, personal level?

The tattoo should fit the person who wears it, and this includes lowerback tattoo designs, which even though you are unable to see on a regular basis, if you are revealing you design to the world, they should know who you are and why you are wearing it.

Terry Daniels of, specializes in helping individuals get the styles and designs they need to make the right tattoo choices. Terry leads his team of tattoo experts in constantly reviewing new products and packages in the market to make sure you get the best value tattoo designs that look good on you. Check out actual user reviews of tattoo design sites and galleries at

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Tribal Tattoo Designs Bring Primitive Art to Life

Tribal art tattoos look great, but more importantly, every tribal design has a deeper meaning. When choosing a tribal tattoo, you should consider these meanings, and make sure that you believe in the statement that you are making.

Choosing A Tribal Design Tattoo

There are several different tribal tattoo designs to choose from. There are tribal zodiac designs, suns and stars, religious symbols, and even tribal band tattoos. Each design has a meaning, be it spiritual or societal. This has been the case since ancient times, when tattoos were used either to mark affiliation with a group, or religious, magical, or spiritual beliefs.

Some of the oldest known tribal tattoos existed thousands of years ago. Many of these tattoos depicted the sun and stars to honor the Sun God and the element of fire. Tribal sun tattoos, as well as stars, can vary in size and detail. This makes them adaptable for any part of your body, though the shoulders and back seem to be the most popular locations. If you want to get creative, you can make a chain of tribal stars with a tribal sun image as the center point.

Another choice of recent popularity is zodiac tribal tattoos. The zodiac is the first known celestial coordinate system. The Greek and Roman zodiac is the most popular, but cultures all over the world have applied astrological meaning to the stars for millenia. While there is no scientific basis, many people identify with the traits of their zodiac sign. If you are one of these people, a tribal zodiac tattoo may be right for you.

As stated, tattoos have represented religious meaning for many years. Because of this, many people have chosen to represent their beliefs in primitive ways with a tribal design of religious symbols. Depending on your beliefs, you may want to do some research before you make your decision. The key is to make sure that you use a symbol that is most meaningful to you. From there, you can be creative in your design, or allow your tattoo artist to design a tattoo for you.

Tribal armband tattoos are possibly the most common form of tribal art. Armbands are usually formed of flames, barbed wire, or knot work, but you do not have to stay with the basics. The point of a tattoo is to make it personal, so you can use any type of tribal art that you would like to incorporate in your armband. For example, you could use barbed wire to wrap around your arm, holding a religious symbol or zodiac sign in place. Other images can be incorporated, as well, including animals or words. For something a bit more personalized, armband tattoos can even be modified to fit around the wrist, as well.

Terry Daniels of, specializes in helping individuals get the styles and designs they need to make the right tattoo choices. Terry leads his team of tattoo experts in constantly reviewing new products and packages in the market to make sure you get the best value tattoo designs that look good on you. Check out actual user reviews of tattoo design sites and galleries at

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Lower Back Tattoo Designs

Nowadays lower back tattoo designs are hardly an original choice these since about one fifth of women who do have a tattoo have one on their lower back. It is difficult to see young women without a lower back tattoo and has become so common that the derogatory term "Tramp Stamp" has come about. This term is usually applied to those young women in low cut jeans and crop top showing off a generic tribal tattoo design.

It's easy to understand why the they are so popular. There are a few places on a woman's body that can be thought of as sensual. Many any consider the most sensitive areas to be the the neck and the lower back. The ease with which you can hide your lower back tattoos has resulted in increased popularity and they have a tantalizing and sensual appeal to men. Unlike other areas of the body, the lower back is completely covered up by a shirt. You can show your tattoo off when you want which is ideal for those who may frowned upon for having a tattoo on display in the workplace.

There is a wide variety of lower back tattoo designs and styles. Some of the more popular include-

* Flower Designs are a popular first choice for women and especially in the lower back area.
* Dolphin Tattoos also look good on the lower back and can be especially cute. Other cute tattoos include butterfly tattoos.
* Tribal Designs are the most common lower back tattoo designs that you see on women. The most popular tribal designs include Star, Sun and Celtic styles. Many tribal designs are inspired by styles from Polynesia.
* Dragon Designs are reserved for the more adventurous and always look fantastic.

If you decide on a lower back tattoo design then make sure you follow this advice. You must wear loose fitting pants to prevent any unnecessary rubbing against your new tattoo throughout the healing process. Make sure to wear something loose when you do visit the tattoo artist as it will make it easier to do the job.

It sounds obvious but research the tattoo you want to get and if there is any doubt in your mind about getting it then find another design that you are totally happy about. Tattoo removal is expensive and painful. Don't get a lower back tattoo design because all of your friends have one or just because it is in fashion right now.

When you finally decide on a lower back tattoo design be sure that it is unique expression of yourself and that you will be delighted with it for the rest of your life.

Scott recommends you check out this resource for lower back tattoo designs featured in this Squidoo lens. Visit the Pictures of Tattoos lens. Choose from thousands of lower back tattoo designs in every style.

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Unique and Fresh New Tattoo Art - My Quest to Find My First Design

The popularity of tattoos is exploding; everywhere I go I see tattoo art on somebody. I've wanted one for a long time and yet I want my first to be a unique and original tattoo design. I want the perfect first tattoo after all it may be the only one I ever get. Then I may get the obsession others have and get more. What ever the case I want my first to be original and different, something that turns heads on the street because it hasn't been done yet.

Going into a tattoo shop to look at designs can be intimidating. The artist inside seem as if they expect you to get that new tat now. They're much desensitized to giving them and seeing them day in and out. I think they forget how big it can be for a first timer.

So I offer this advice. If you're looking for the perfect tattoo you can now explore designs and art online. I've been looking and have found I can explore all my options while online checking out some amazing stuff. Now it takes me forever to make up my mind and you may be like me. What ever your case is you can take your time and find just the right tat for you by looking through art galleries on the internet.

After you take your time and find the perfect body art for you online you can take it to your local tattoo shop and go in like you know what you're doing. You will also want to educate yourself on tattoo procedures and watch videos of it to know what to expect. All in all you can do your leg work before you set foot in the shop. This will make you much happier and not leave you with any regret.

I'm having a great time sorting through all the great body art to find the one perfect first for me. I can't wait but I know I want it to be a special piece that I will look upon fondly forever. So if you've been wondering will it hurt, how long will it take and where to find the best and freshest designs the internet is the place to educate yourself.

Here is what I've got: a website with tons of fresh and unique designs!

Jump over to Unique Tattoo Design and find the special tat that's just for you!

Katie enjoys sharing resources. In doing so she has created relationships with certain experts and in recommending their products may receive compensation for doing so.

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Ideas For a Shoulder Tribal Tattoo - What Are the Best Designs

Nowadays, tattoos have become a fashion accessory instead of just a tough-man statement. People of different gender, ethnicity and background consider having tattoos just so they can express their sentiments and opinions to a vast majority. Since tattoos can lure great attention, having one on any part of the body is sure to send the message across - be it about a different culture, belief or tradition.

One of the most widely used tattoo concepts is the shoulder tribal tattoo. The reason for this is because they impress a bolder attitude, and people are likely to be drawn towards the tattoo designs. This outstanding tribal tattoo can make anyone look tough or delicate depending on the design used. Since the design of the shoulder tribal tattoo signals a particular statement, stand or point of view of a person, it is important that the designs should match the character of the person well. It becomes a very important feat, then, to look for designs that would come across in different ways to different people.

Below are some of the ideas for shoulder tribal tattoo designs that are sure to help you express your personal views:


Flowers are the most popular tattoo designs for women who want the designs to appear subtle. Flowers make a good idea for these tribal tattoo designs, as they give a lighter aura compared to other designs. One can just incorporate tribal designs along with a flower, so it doesn't come across as hard or tough. But if hard and tough are the images you'd want to portray, you can just ask your tattoo artist to make the edges sharper.


Butterflies are colorful and add a bit of playfulness to a tattoo. When used along with a tribal design, butterflies make the tribal designs look softer and more feminine. It is an ideal design to use for women who want to appear chic and cool even when sporting a tattoo. Butterflies also make a nice combination to the somewhat dull and colorless tribal designs, so they are sure to be appreciated by anybody.

Mystical Creatures

Dragons, sea monsters, mythical lions, and unicorns are just some of the mystical creatures that are good as center subjects of shoulder tribal tattoo designs. They are ideal for men and women alike, as they can be designed playfully or sketched rather roughly. Dragons are the most popular among the line of mystical creatures because they give off a powerful aura and feel. Aside from that, they are really mystical and can be associated with various ancient legends and myths. This is the same with unicorns, which are also rare and twice as mystical.

Tribal attraction bands

These designs come in different styles. The good thing about this is that you can instruct your tattoo artist on how you want these bands to portray your ideas. You can wear them proudly while controlling the amount of impression that they create.

If you want more cool tattoo design tips, then click the link below

If you want more information on Shoulder Tribal Tattoo, a Free 4 Day Ecourse and a Free Ebook on Tattoos, then go Now to

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Celebrity Tattoo Designs

Celebrity Tattoo
New celebrity tattoo designs
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Sexy Tribal Tattoo

Tribal tattoos are the first tattoos

Scorpion Tribal Tattoo

Triball Body Tattoo

Fresh Tattoo Art - Locating Galleries With Good, New Tattoos and Designs

There was a time period when locating fresh tattoo art was one of the easiest things to do. This is not the case any longer, though. All most people bump into are bottom of the barrel galleries that have nothing but the same generic images and artwork that have been floating around cyber space for eleven years. There are still tons of fantastic galleries that have fresh tattoo art, but you need to know how to pin point them.

Why are so many of us having such an issue trying to find galleries that have quality tattoos? It shouldn't be such a difficult thing to do. Well, this is true, but there is a reason that finding fresh tattoo art has become nearly impossible. It's because of the way 90-95% of men and women looking for these websites. Yes, I am talking about the good old search engines. The tool that were once extremely reliable at providing us a good list of galleries is no somewhere close to worthless. Al lit give you is this enormous list of low end websites and each of them tends to be filled with the same generic artwork as the next website.

Most of the newer places don't take pride in providing their visitors with quality designs. Instead of giving them fresh tattoo art, they would rather fill their site up with as much generic stuff as possible. It's quantity rather than quality. This means that all of the truly good galleries are being pushed way back in the search engine results, never to be found. Since the average person will only look through two or three pages of search results, these place sit there all alone.

So, how do you even find them now that search engines aren't doing the job? Well, if you want websites that have fresh tattoo art, forums are the best starting point. The more well established forums work the best, because they are usually very large. You want large forums because the tend to be stuffed with past topics on subject related to tattoos. One look at some of these topics and you will see that people are always willing to help. Men and women are constantly sharing links and information on the great galleries they have uncovered that have fresh tattoo art. You simply reap the benefits of their generosity. It's that simple.

It's an easy transition and it can make all of the difference in the world when it comes to finally finding the fresh tattoo art the web has to offer.

Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to find the tons of Fresh Tattoo Art.

Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the site Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites with the absolute largest gallery of tattoo designs you will ever see. Finding quality tattoos has never been easier.

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New Tattoo Designs - Where is the Fresh Artwork For Tattoos

I am going to include some very useful tips to locate the new tattoo designs on the internet. We still have too many people who start out looking for fresh tattoos, only to end up choosing some generic, bland design that they don't 100% like. I will tell you why that happens as well as how to avoid it. Locating new tattoo design should be a fun experience and hopefully this helps you out.

I am sure that you have noticed how easy it is to find artwork for tattoos on the web. You can locate thousands of them in the next eight minutes if you really needed to. Most of the tattoos you find will be nine years old and pretty generic, though. It gets even worse if you are relying on search engines to find new tattoo designs (like 95% of us do!). All that seems to pull up in search results are the same kind of low end galleries that don't have many new tattoo designs, if any.

On top of that, a lot of the artwork they carry was not even meant to be used as real tattoos! That's right. Most of these cookie cutter galleries only care about one main thing, which his packing their site with as much artwork as humanly possible. They don't care that half of the new tattoo designs they post aren't even real drawings for "tattoos". It's sad that they would do this, because people will pick one of these designs and run to go get it tattooed. They have no clue that the design isn't going to look anywhere near as good and crisp as it looked on the paper they printed it on. Those aren't new tattoo designs. They are random images that the gallery is passing off as "tattoos".

While you are going to find this type of artwork just about everywhere you go, there is a simple way to cut a lot of it out of the equation...

You can do this by using internet forums to your advantage. The bigger forums are always packed with topics about tattoos. This is where tons of people get together and talk about where they found their great tattoos and the artwork for them. It's an easy way to find the tons of galleries that just don't seem to pull up in search engine results. Most of the time, the galleries you find this way will be far superior to most of the stuff you've been seeing. It's a good way to find a lot of new tattoo designs and a bunch of fresh artwork.

Locating new tattoo designs online should be a fun experience and hopefully this helps you out, if only a little bit.

Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to find tons of New Tattoo Designs.

Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the site Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of new tattoos you will ever see. Finding the perfect fresh tattoo has never been easier.

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